Who we are

Since 1994 we have been able to offer your holiday by the sea.

Rent of apartments generally placed in front of the seaside. Real Estate, Villas, bungalows and lands.

Maximal professionality for best negotiation and valutation.

The agency will give its guests a shopping card that allows them to obtain reductions in some shops, restaurants, pizzerias and theme parks in Lignano.

  • State of ownership

  • Type of property

Eliana Fagotto

Albo Mediatori CCIAA Udine position no. 2485

Massimo Brini

Albo Mediatori CCIAA Udine position no. 2251

What they say about us

Lilliana Raganelli
Very positive experience in August, the two very helpful partners reserved us a flat in lignano sabbiadoro from cinema, beach included; always present and ready for information or small problems immediately resolved. Definitely reliable, to be contacted again.
Alena Gabrišková
Lignano is our love for me and my family, and many years alone with Agenzia Meridiana. We can recommend. Eliana and Massimo thank you very much. See you next year.
Lucia Corazza
Always very friendly we have been booking our holidays with this agency for many years and will definitely continue to do so next year thank you and good work
Emanuela Ferraro
I booked for the first time this year, and we had a great time !!!!! Kind and helpful! Keep it up!!! see you again next year thank you.
Michal Raček
We are happy with the agency, nice flat, we will definitely come back next year.
Claudia Cobelli
Precise, present for any needs, even by e-mail. It deserves! Congratulations
Claudia De Corinti
Kind and friendly. One of the best agencies in Lignano.
Angie Rath
Super agency, Eliana was very friendly and helpful, perfect flat right by the sea. We will be happy to return. 🙂

Albo Mediatori CCIAA Udine posizione nr. 2485

Mi chiamo Eliana e da oltre 17 anni sono un’agente immobiliare. Sono mamma di due ragazzi e ho allenato per molti anni squadre di pallavolo, una passione che coltivo fin da ragazzina.

Mi sono specializzata nel soddisfare le esigenze delle famiglie con figli di ogni età, dai più piccini fino ai più grandi e di tutti quelli che vogliono poter praticare il proprio sport preferito mentre sono qui in vacanza.

La mia precedente esperienza nel settore turistico – ricettivo e viaggi inoltre mi ha permesso di lavorare a stretto contatto con turisti che scelgono Lignano Sabbiadoro come meta delle proprie vacanze.

Le competenze acquisite durante questo periodo unitamente ad una mia personale sensibilità mi consentono quindi di comprendere pienamente le singole esigenze di ognuno di voi e di adoperarmi al meglio per trovarvi la soluzione migliore in grado di assicurarvi una vacanza vera, degna di questo nome.

Vi invito quindi a contattarmi, qualsiasi sia la vostra necessità, chiedendomi consigli e suggerimenti: organizzerò la vostra vacanza in ogni dettaglio…..esattamente come se fosse la mia!

Albo Mediatori CCIAA Udine position no. 2485

My name is Eliana and I have been an estate agent for over 17 years. I am a mother of two boys and have coached volleyball teams for many years, a passion I have cultivated since I was a young girl.

I specialise in meeting the needs of families with children of all ages, from toddlers to older children, and of all those who want to be able to practice their favourite sport while on holiday.

My previous experience in the tourism – accommodation and travel sector also allowed me to work closely with tourists who choose Lignano Sabbiadoro as their holiday destination.

The skills I have acquired during this time, together with my personal sensitivity, allow me to fully understand the individual needs of each of you and to do my best to find the best solution to ensure you have a real holiday worthy of the name.

So I invite you to contact me, whatever your needs, asking for advice and suggestions: I will organise your holiday in every detail…..exactly as if it were my own!

Super offer

One-room apartment 'Casa Mare' with direct sea view

SUPER SEASONAL LEASE OFFER At the super-discounted price of Euro 5.200 all-inclusive.
Who We Are